About Us

Sporting Communities are pioneers of innovative community, youth work and sport development practices.

“Working with communities to learn

how to serve them best”

Founded on 8th May 2012, Sporting Communities are community, youth work and sport development specialists. We are committed to developing cost-effective, timely and professional services that benefit communities and inform future services.

As an ethical, not-for-profit company we examine our behaviour towards the outside world taking into consideration morality and ethical reasoning.

Our Mission

Sporting Communities’ mission is to collaborate with communities to identify their priorities and support them in achieving their needs and ambitions.

We are continually involved in consulting with the people that access our services and researching ways of providing better services in partnership with them. Young people and communities are involved from the start ensuring a bottom up, needs led, co-designed approach, demonstrating true engagement and real consultation.

Sporting Games

As an ethical, not-for-profit company we pledge to:

Treat all with Equality and Dignity

Conduct all of our business in a safe and sustainable manner

Act within the law and work with others who share our values

Our Approach

In order to achieve personal, social and community development our work is conducted through 3 strands.

Sporting Communities
Sustaining Communities
Creative Communities

We use sport and the creative arts as a tool to engage with individuals and communities on a deeper level. We then wrap-around services designed to initiate social, individual and community development. Our approach ensures that people are truly able to achieve positive change.

We also work closely with our sister charity Supporting Communities, to offer mental health advice, family support and poverty relief.

Creative Communities