Sustaining Communities

Empowering local voices, foster collaboration, and nurturing sustainable practices to build resilient, thriving communities.

Training Academy

Individuals can retain lifelong learning that will aid their personal and professional development in addition to their well-being.

Through our Training Academy, we can support you on your journey to becoming a better, more employable version of yourself. We can aid your organisation to have the most up-to-date knowledge and skills to be more efficient and effective so that you can ensure best practice in your work or volunteering.

Sporting Communities are a Education Training Provider and Employer Partner with the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA).

More information about our Training Academy courses is coming soon. Contact us if you would like more information.

Research and Evaluation

Our Sustaining Communities team are committed to aligning practices with robust evaluation and academic research.

Our research and evaluation specialists support partners and local authorities in understanding and enhancing the impact of their community programs to help stakeholders make informed decisions, optimise resources, and maximise the positive outcomes of their initiatives.

Sustaining Communities offers tailored research that aligns with your specific goals, whether it’s assessing the effectiveness of a program or evaluating community engagement strategies.


We are deeply committed to environmental sustainability. We reduce our carbon footprint through energy-efficient practices; waste reduction, recycling and by sourcing materials responsibly. We also undergo regular environmental practices such as litter picking and creating spaces that are suitable for wildlife.

We actively encourage our workers and volunteers to adopt eco-friendly habits. Through these efforts, we strive to create a positive, lasting impact on the planet for future generations.

We have increased our efforts when purchasing environmentally friendly equipment and resources. We source materials that are eco-friendly and commission partners who are also committed to working towards being carbon neutral.

In addition to our continued recycling, our team pick up over 250 bags of litter in the communities where we deliver services, ensuring that the park’s and streets remain clean and safe for residents.

Our Environmental Officer conducts energy assessments with residents to help them improve their environmental commitment and save money in the process.

This also involved advising on how to support local wildlife.