Youth Voice

Sporting Communities develop meaningful opportunities for young people, allowing them to speak out and influence decision-makers.

At Sporting Communities, we believe that the voice of our youth is not just important—it is essential. Our mission is to create an inclusive, dynamic environment where young people are not only heard but are also active participants in shaping their and their community’s futures. The perspectives and insights of young people bring invaluable contributions to our work, enriching our programmes and driving our success.

We are committed to ensuring that youth engagement is not a mere formality but a meaningful process that influences decision-making and fosters personal growth. Our initiatives are designed to empower young individuals, giving them the tools and platforms they need to express their ideas, develop social action projects and influence decision-makers around subjects that matter to them.

By valuing and prioritising youth voice, we are building a stronger, more vibrant society where every young person feels respected, involved, and capable of making a difference. Join us in our journey to amplify youth voices and create a positive impact together.

“Young people are not just the future; they are invaluable today.”

Youth Innovation Conference

Our Youth Innovation Conference is designed, delivered and evaluated by young people. The conference facilitates opportunities to widen the conversation surrounding young people’s views, aspirations and issues. The current youth offer is influenced by an adult led or institutional agenda, we aim to address this imbalance by involving young people and professionals in co-produced solutions to many of the pressing issues that young people face today. Young people want their voices and imaginations to influence change and our national Youth Innovation Conference provides an opportunity to harness young people’s energy and sense of optimism.

Our last Youth Innovation Conference was hosted at the University Academy 92 and was sponsored by Kitlocker, with Supporting Communities as the event’s nominated charity.

Our Approach

At Sporting Communities, we implement the Lundy Model in the foundation of our youth voice work to ensure youth voices are heard, respected, and acted upon. The Lundy Model provides a way of conceptualising a child’s right to participation, as laid down in Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, emphasising space, voice, audience, and influence, which guides us in creating environments where young people can freely express their ideas and concerns.

However, we don’t stop there. We innovate beyond the Lundy Model by employing cutting-edge methods to capture youth perspectives, such as street based peer research, interactive digital platforms, creative workshops, and peer-led forums. We embed young people into decision-making bodies, ensuring their insights directly shape our and our partners programs and policies.

Furthermore, we actively support young people in developing their ideas into tangible projects and social enterprises. Through mentorship, resources, hands-on opportunities and connecting young people with experienced leaders, we empower young individuals to transform their visions into impactful community initiatives. 

Sporting Games

Find out more about just some of our Youth Voice projects.

Safe Spaces

Staffordshire and Derby Youth Awards

Cheadle Skate Park

Normanton Play Spaces